Saturday, June 10, 2006

4th Annual International Conference on Teaching & Learning

"The Challenge of Diversity" was the theme for this event which ran for the last two days in Galway, with over 250 participants from 10 countries. The range of topics was broad and including students with disabilities, mature students, those from ethnic and cutural minorities, issues in curriculum design and diversity in teaching methods, etc. The keynote presentations and ancillary material will be posted online at the conference website over the coming weeks and I'll let you know the details when all is ready.

It was great to have such spectacularly good weather as we had during the week and it might have given our overseas visitors a very good impression of Ireland. Still, no harm in that.

We also used a fair bit of technology to enable two keynotes to speak with us from England and Australia and that added an extra dimension to the proceedings as well as providing an excellent demonstration of the potential of such technologies in knowledge sharing.

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