Saturday, October 20, 2007

it will soon be time....

Yes, indeed, the relaunch will happen soon (preparations in the background - get your headphones ready!).

In the meantime how about joining the debate about examinations and assessment, kicked off by statements like these in this week's Times Higher:

Patricia Broadfoot, Vice-Chancellor of Gloucestershire University (which is about to abolish exams for first year students): "Students have an instrumentalist attitude to study, and we want to move away from that. We want to see them excited by study, and exams contradict that."


"A study last year by Adrian Furnham, a professor of psychology at University College London, found that the least intelligent students favour coursework because it allows them to "freeload" from others and hide their limitations. He blamed the rising use of coursework for grade inflation. "

Read the full story at :

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