Saturday, April 19, 2008

Multi-institutional Graduate Schools

One of the current 'hot topics' in Irish HE is the growth of what is know as "4th Level Ireland", in other words postgraduate/doctoral programmes. To nurture a national target of a doubling of PhD graduates many institutions have begun to form partnerships and are exploring joint, collaborative graduate schools.

One of the first examples of such a multi-institutional (indeed, national) graduate school is of course SUPA (the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance) which has been in existence for a good while now, effectively operating as a single national 'physics department' although locally hosted in six institutions, SUPA promotes collaborative research and joint Doctoral training programmes using a range of technologies (such as videoconferencing and VLEs) to offer an extensive programme of courses and modules.

At a Knowledge Transfer event in Glasgow, some members of SUPA and representatives of the industrial sector spoke briefly to a film crew about their work.

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