Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Your future in your hands??

Slipped into the Department of Education and Science's website on Friday, is a call for submissions to the group charged with developing a National Strategy for Higher Education. The deadline for such submissions is the 19th June. This may well provide an opportunity to make your voice heard. The invitation is summarised below and can be downloaded from here.

The Higher Education Strategy Group has been established by the Minister for Education and Science with detailed terms of reference. The Group is expected to report to the Minister by year end.

The Group wishes to take account of the views of all stakeholders as it prepares its report and proposes to undertake a two phase process of consultation. Accordingly a structured process of consultation will take place in August/September. This will take the form of a consultation document on the major issues arising from its terms of reference. 

In addition at the first stage of the process, the Group is now inviting submissions in respect of the development of the vision and objectives for Irish higher education. Accordingly, stakeholders are invited to submit 

- the three most significant changes that they would wish to see made to Irish higher education, 
- the barriers or obstacles which they would identify to the achievement of those objectives. 

In light of the above, you are invited to submit your views on this first stage of the process using the Guidance Document. You can download this document by clicking here.

The Terms of Reference document is available for download here.

Where submissions are being made, the Group requests that they would be limited to no more than 2,000 words. Submissions should be made electronically no later than Friday 19th June 2009, to

1 comment:

Iain said...

They could have gone further and asked simply for 140 char long tweets for feedback ;-) As an amusing exercise, let's try that! use the following hashtag to tweet your ideas on the future of Irish HE #hefutures